Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Opinion

The last couple of weeks I have been increasingly irritated with my fellow man.  I realize right now, we, as Americans, are pissed off, worried, confused and outraged about what is going on in our government and that is making a lot of people on edge.  You add in world problems, domestic problems, violence, poverty, healthcare, unemployment, etc., etc. and it is overwhelming.  Which is why some choose to check out of all of it and be blissfully ignorant.  I get it.  However, what I don't get, and won't tolerate, is a bunch of people being mean to each other, especially on social media.  It's no wonder we are a hot mess, we just tear each other down. No wonder kids bully, we adults set such a fine example.  Well, I'm sick of it.

Case in point, just today, one of my FB friends posted a picture of a wedding she had just attended.  The bride was wearing a beautiful gown, was holding a beer and she happened to have tattoos on her arms. She was having a good time, it was her day, she should. This friend of the friend just whips out a comment about how the bride looked like a trucker and hated tattoos and it looked gross.  WHOA.  Bitch Alert! First off, Bully Commenter, you are an asshat.  How dare you go on your friends page where she is celebrating the marriage of her family member and bash the bride.  Who the hell do you think you are?  If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.  It took everything I had not to go off on Bully Commenter on that friends page, but, I did not.  I made a disapproving comment about Bully Commentors view point and moved on, because, after all, it wasn't my FB page and I wasn't going to start war.  It wasn't my place to do so.  I don't like it when people start war on my page, so I don't start war on others' pages.  It's a simple concept that many have not grasped.

Another example, just a week or so ago, I mentioned about the government shut-down in one of my blogs, just kind of in passing.  One of my friends made a comment about it (playfully so, we have that kind of relationship where we can poke each other about stuff and not freak out), and then my husband chimes in with a kind of harsh comment and then all hell broke loose from there.  First of all, I don't usually talk about politics AT ALL on my page because people cannot freaking have an intelligent conversation about it without going off on each other.  I get people are passionate about it, I get people are pissed off, I get that, which is why I don't discuss it on FB.  FB is for my entertainment and connecting with my friends and family...and posting a shit-load of pictures of my dog and my horses.  When that political shit cuts loose on my page, it pisses me off.  Here's the deal, it isn't that I don't have an opinion, I do. It's really none of your effing business what that opinion is.  Doesn't mean I don't care, doesn't mean I don't stand for anything because I'm not spewing it all over my page.  Look, I think the government is a fucking mess right now. I don't care if you are a Liberal, Democrat or Republican...or if you bury your head in the sand.  I don't fucking care.  None of you are ever going to agree.  You all spout off your sources and what "the truth" is.  Well, guess what? If I am a Christian and want "the truth" about Christianity, I don't go ask a Jehovas Witness what that truth is, I ask my fellow Christians.  Right?  Well, same concept with politics.  If you are a Democrat looking for "truth" you go to your sources.  And then you site your sources against the opposing sides sources and neither of you are going to agree.  Where is the "truth" in all that? Huh?  Tell me. It's somewhere in the middle, would be my guess.  The only truth I know of right now is that it's all fucked up and I don't think anyone has all the details.  And, I don't think our elected officials give a shit about the fellow Americans that voted them in. They are going to be just fine, no matter what.  They still get paid. They still get health care.  They still get a retirement. They still make way more fucking money than they need to.  THAT is MY opinion.  Without spouting off my personal beliefs about laws or specifics or who's side I'm on, that is how I feel.  With that said, I don't go on your FB pages and get up in your business and tell you what you need to believe and what "the truth" is.  I respect everyone's right to have their own opinion, regardless of what it is and I won't shame you for having that opinion...even if I do think your a fucking idiot. I have actually had to unfriend or hide people's posts from my news feed because that is all they ever talk about.  I have a hard enough time getting up in the morning without having to have conspiracy after conspiracy thrown at me.  Look, I've got inspirational quotes I need to get to, pictures of ponies, dogs and unicorns to see.  Hopefully some hot guy without a shirt on will show up in my feed.  I'm also looking for a certain amount of drama that myself and my friends supply on a daily basis.  It's how I roll.  I don't want that crap shoved down my throat.  I will choose my level of engagement in the issues. Doesn't mean I don't care about them, but it is all I can do some days to put both feet on the floor and focus on living.

Some people might think I bury my head in the sand.  To a degree, I probably do. But let me tell you a little bit about what I do  believe in and let you decide if you want to continue to hang around or hear anything I have to say.

  • I believe in God.  If you don't, that's fine, just don't belittle me for believing. You can even be whatever religion you want, I don't judge you. I may not see things the way you do, but I would not disrespect you for it.
  • I believe in choosing the best candidate, regardless of political party.  I usually lean to the Democratic side, however, do like views that some republicans have.
  • I believe it is my body and I will do what I want with it. Doesn't mean an abortion is right for me, but I don't think it is my place to tell someone else they can't. Doesn't mean I want a tattoo, but if you like them, good for you.  Doesn't mean I'm going to pierce my nipples, but hey, they're your nipples.
  • I believe that if you kill someone out of hate, dysfunction or pre-meditation, I think it would be best if you were also dead. I don't necessarily want to be the person to kill you, but if it needs to be done, it should be.
  • I believe in my right to bear arms.  I believe people are bad, and if they want to kill you, they will find a way, gun or no gun.  The bad guys will always have guns and removing them from citizens is not the answer.  You can disagree with me on this, and I will still be your friend, by the way. I did learn that I cannot discuss gun laws with my husband because he goes ape-shit-crazy if you ever suggest anyone is going to take his guns away.
  • I believe that if you are a citizen and pay into the system, as I do, you deserve the same rights I do.  If you are not, go home, or pay for yourself. I'm not your sugar mamma.
  • I believe we should mind our own business more and focus on our problems here in America more.  How about we help our homeless and impoverished.  With that said, Thank You and God Bless all soldiers out there, I thank you for all the sacrifices you make, no matter where this country sends you.
  • I believe you should marry whomever you want. Some of my dearest friends are gay and they deserve to marry if they want.  It isn't like the straight people have made it some sacred thing.  Take a look at the divorce rate, folks.  I have gay friends that have been together way longer than you.  Love is love. You don't have to agree with me, but don't ever be crude to my friends or disrespectful because you think you have the corner on the market for what is right or wrong.
  • I believe that kids should be spanked when warranted.  I believe that the utter and complete lack of respect that many have for their parents and others is ridiculous.  A lot of things have changed since I was a child, I get that.  I am so thankful we didn't have social media when I was in high school.  I think the bullying that goes on is out of hand and that parents need to be more involved and more aware of the actions they take as parents.  
  • I believe that women can do most of what men can do, and should be treated equally. That means, the toilet seat and lid should always be down - equal playing field.  We all start at having to lift something up in order to pee.
  • I believe that your opinion is as important as my opinion, however, that doesn't mean I want your opinion unsolicited.  And unsolicited opinion can and likely will lead to activating my bitch switch.
  • I believe if someone merges their vehicle on top of me, I should be allowed to get up on them, do some bump drafting and leave a swirly on the side of their car.  However, to date, I have not done this.
  • I believe in old-fashioned romance and chivalry.  I like it when Will opens the door for me, when he puts his hand on my back when we are in public to help guide me through a crowd, or holds my hand.  I like that stuff. 
  • I believe in being who I am and sharing what I want. I believe in standing up for myself and for my family and friends.  Nobody gets the gift of my friendship without earning it.  If you betray me, we are done. If you are my true friend, I will always have your back.
That is the short list of what I believe. With all that said, if you don't like anything I have said, don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave my life.  I do care what people think, however, I will not sacrifice who I am to fit your mold.

Now, go in peace and don't let people be mean to you. Asshats are an unfortunate constant in life, but we don't have to tolerate them.

And, that's my opinion on this Sunday afternoon....

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