Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Can't Take Mom Anywhere...

So, the powers that be decided I can now start "cycling" off of the IV pack, effective Christmas Eve.  This is good news, however, after being off of it for 4 hours the the first day, I had a little blood sugar crash.  No biggie, but today, they decided I could go 8 hours off of it.  I felt free as a bird.  So amazing to not feel like the kid waiting for the short bus, if only for 8 short hours.  During this brief time of freedom, I had a doctor's appointment and because no one wanted my blood sugar crashing while I was driving, my Mom took me.

I'd like to rewind momentarily to Chrismas Day.  I was having a hard time with all the food and snacks laying around, so at one point, I licked a Ritz cracker. And, I mean, I licked it passionately and romantically.  And then I licked a tortilla chip.  It was magical and it made me miss food all the more, but it was nice to have a taste in my mouth that didn't remind me of rotting monkey ass like my meds do.  I fed the soggy and lifeless cracker and chip carcasses to my good dog Spanky.  Mom looked at me and said, "Cassondra, you'd better stop that, when you lick something like that, it's hard not to swallow."  Will, who had been eating a chip, stopped mid-crunch.  His mind clearly in the gutter. Everyone gave Mom a bad time for her comment and we moved on. I don't need to hear these things from my Mom.  Geez.

Fast forward to today.  Mom is sitting in the doctor's office with me and I'm telling the medical assistant and the doctor about how it has been going, where my pain level is how I've crapped my pants via innocent farts and that I had a confession to make, I had licked a cracker.  My Mom, who had been fairly quiet until this point, chimes in and says to my doctor (who is a very attractive man), "And do you know what I told her when she licked that cracker?  I told her that she needed to be careful licking something like that because then she would want to swallow."  My eyes got big and I said, "MU-ther!"  She giggled and I looked at the doctor. Luckily he laughed it off and said, "That is when you say, 'Mo-THER!'"  And then we transitioned to other things.  What on earth possessed her to say that?  I can't take her anywhere. We would discuss this in the truck later.

So, the short and long of it is, tomorrow I get to go to the hospital and get another CT scan to see if my leak is healed.  I am hoping with all my heart that it is. The doctor says I might be able to drink clear liquids by the weekend, if I'm lucky.  I'll still have to wear the IV pack for a short time while I transition, but it would be progress.  Tonight, praying for progress.  I need a break.  Oh, and I still have to get that pesky poo sample, but the medical assistant has finally given me the kit that should make it all possible.  I said, "Well, I hope I can catch it in the bucket instead of my underwear.  She says, straight-faced, "Well, if it does, you can just squeeze it out of your underwear into the collection bowl." Wow, graphic. Here's hoping no more kamikazee fart sniper sneak attacks.

And that is today's update.

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